- Running java 1.6.0_11 in client mode was a very bad idea. Jetty simply stalled after 3hours without any error or warning message. I've seen similar behaviour with tomcat 6.0.18, while tomcat 6.0.14 has been running for weeks without problems with the same java version in client mode. I don't know why, but lesson learned: When running a server application, use the server JVM.
- A concurrency bug in my code showed up. The load didn't increase, but jetty seems to be running the code much more concurrent than tomcat did. After fixing the code, that problem was solved.
- A break-in to a different VPS on the same machine caused a lot of problems with extremly slow network and access. After the provider shut down that VPS, everything got better. This was maybe the main cause of the uptime reduction, and it has more to do with VPS handling than with Jetty.
JAVA_OPTS='-server -Xmx96m -Xms96m -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:PermSize=24m -XX:MaxPermSize=24m'
Now I'm using without problems:
JAVA_OPTS='-server -Xmx76m -Xms32m -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:+UseSerialGC
-XX:MaxPermSize=20m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=16m'
The ReserverdCodeCacheSize is a setting I just found out resently, and it is 46MB by default on a x86 server machine. With some additional tunings for the database reducing its memory requirements from 36MB to 25MB while increasing slightly the cache-hit-ratio from 1% to 2%, I'm now running the application within 220MB, and I'm not afraid of having more than 50hits/s.
Another important adjustment I made to increase the stability was to preallocate a database-connection to each running threads. Usually, a connection pool with 2-5 spare threads would be enough, but on a VPS you never know how long it takes to start a new process. I have seen a simple 'ls' waiting for 10-20s, and the 10s timeout for waiting on a database connection was often timed out, in particular in the morning when people start using my application.
2 kommentarer:
Hey Heiko,
thanks for these valuable tips. I've managed to get a Scala/Lift app running on Jetty with similar settings (the JVM also runs the database here, in this case H2). I find it amazing how little information one can find about this and how few service providers there are for specifically hosting Java applications on cheap servers.
One setting that didn't work for me was the MaxPermSize. It leads to an OutOfMemoryError (PermGen) after a while, when without the setting everything is okay.
I am curious, what exact setting do you talk about in the last paragraph? Where can one preallocate database connections? Also, did you change the default number of threads? (min 10, max 200) I would guess that lower numbers are better.
Best wishes, Tim
2011 and still little information re: memory footprint of servlet containers.
I posted to the Tomcat mailing list, however, and did manage to find out out that a single tomcat 7 instance + 32-bit JVM (v1.6) = @1.1GB memory usage under minimal load with a hello world "app". Tomcat itself can run in as little as 128mb ram.
What is the Jetty 7 per instance memory footprint of a hello world app?
I am on the fence between tomcat and jetty, the less memory used, the better....
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